Debit Card

Contact your nearest branch of MNB to find out more about the Mastercard® ATM/Debit Card.

Our Mastercard® ATM/Debit Card is a great way to manage your money and save time.

  • Just present your card at participating MasterCard® merchants
  • Your transaction will automatically be deducted from your checking account
  • No check writing needed
  • The card is accepted worldwide at participating MasterCard® merchants
  • Reduces need to carry large sums of cash and/or Travelers Checks
  • One card takes care of both purchases and ATM needs

You can report a lost or stolen ATM/Debit Card by calling one of the following numbers:

During Monday – Friday Regular Business Hours, call: 501.332.6955

During non-business hours and on Legal holidays call:  1.800.500.1044

New Chip-Enabled
Debit Cards

Click below for more information and FAQS


Now the power to protect your cards is in your hands. You can turn your cards on and off, control where your cards can be used, and receive instant alerts- directly from your phone!

Left a store without your card? 
Lock it until you get it back.
Shopping around the neighborhood? 
Set your card to work only where you are.
Providing a card to your college-bound child? 
Receive alerts and monitor their spending.

Download SecurLOCK Equip from your app store. It is fast and FREE!

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